Health Benefits of Regular Dental Cleaning Visits

Dental cleaning visits with a general dentist are one of the most important parts of maintaining good oral health. However, many are surprised to learn that overall health also benefits from these quick and simple dental cleaning appointments. When considering whether or not a dental cleaning is worth the time spent in the office chair, it may be helpful to review the following information.

Does a dental cleaning visit provide health benefits?

The following information should be reviewed when curious about the health benefits that are associated with dental cleaning visits. Keep reading to find out more!

Oral health

The two main health benefits associated with dental cleaning visits from a general dentist are healthy gums and healthy teeth. While dental health may be an obvious benefit, many believe that they can practice good oral hygiene at home in order to prevent the development of cavities. At-home oral hygiene is crucial in dental health, but a professional dental cleaning is even more effective at preventing cavities. During the cleaning, the dentist is able to target plaque and tartar buildup, both of which lead to cavities.

Aside from dental health, periodontal health is a concern when a dental cleaning visit is skipped. Having the teeth regularly cleaned also ensures that one’s periodontal health is in good shape. A professional dental cleaning visit can clear out the gum lines, which tend to hold plaque and tartar. An added benefit is that the dentist can examine the gums during a dental cleaning visit to ensure that they are in good health.

Overall health

Many people are surprised to learn that dental cleaning visits can benefit their overall health. When the teeth and gums are in bad shape, it is much more likely that other health conditions will develop. An infection in the gums or the teeth can lead to transmission to other areas in the body; however, if proper care is taken to prevent infections, such as dental cleanings, then the risk is much lower. On the flip side, if dental cleanings are not done on a regular basis, then infection transmission may occur, which can result in a number of complications.

Infections in the gums or teeth can transfer through the bloodstream and end up anywhere in the body. Such infection can lead to heart conditions or diabetes, both of which are serious conditions that may require a lifetime of treatment. With that being said, it can be extremely beneficial to undergo a routine dental cleaning visit with a general dentist every six months.

Get started with a dental cleaning

There are many benefits to dental cleaning visits from a general dentist, including a number that can be identified during a consultation. When considering a routine dental cleaning, it may be helpful to talk with a dentist about the recommended frequency, as this can vary per patient. Reach out today to ask questions or to get started with a consultation appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Mitchellville Family Dentistry at (301) 202-3499 for an appointment in our Glenn Dale office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Cleaning in Glenn Dale, MD.

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